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Upcoming Events

The project is supported by FRRR.


Date: Saturday 19th October 2024, Time: 10.00 AM - 1.00PM Cost: FREE



Date: TBC (postponed) Time: 10.00 AM - 3.00PM Cost: FREE



Date: First Tuesday on the month.  9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Cost: FREE


Past Events


Date: Saturday 4th May 2024, Time: 10.00 AM - 1.00PM Cost: FREE


Our semi-annual picnic was held in May with demonstrations from the local CFA dealing with gas fire procedures, CFA Community Fireguard, AGL Bill Payment team, Hume Riverina Community Legal Service. Red Cross Tawonga Branch ran a fundraising cake stall, Mount Beauty Men's Shed cooked our BBQ and Alpine FM had their outside broadcast team and held interviews with the stakeholders.


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May 2024 Pic 5_edited.jpg


Date: Saturday 4th November 2023, Time: 10.00 AM - 2.00PM 


The Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre's 'Keep Calm Committee' held another of their bi-annual Resilient Community Picnics at the CFA Station on Lakeside Avenue in November.

This event was extremely well attended by community members as well as visitors to the area.  There is always a large input from various organisations involved in pulling these events together.  We would like to acknowledge the following groups, organisations and businesses for their continued support in keeping us all aware of community resilience in times of various disasters. 

In alphabetical order:

  • AGL

  • Alpine FM

  • Alpine Shire Council

  • Ambulance Victoria

  • Cavanaghs Butchery

  • CFA

  • Coffeeee Van

  • Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

  • Foodworks Mount Beauty

  • FRRR

  • Hume Riverina Community Legal Service

  • Kiewa Catchment Landcare Group

  • Michael O’Connor & Son Chimney Sweep

  • Mount Beauty Men’s Shed

  • Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre volunteers

  • Red Cross Tawonga Branch

  • SES

  • Towards Renewable Energy Kiewa

  • Victoria Police​​​​​​​

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Date: Saturday, 25 March from 10:00am to 1:00pm


The Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre once again held our free biannual Resilience Picnic at the Mount Beauty CFA Station.  All the participants drew in crowds to their demonstrations and displays.  CFA had their crew demonstration how they treat domestic fires in a controlled environment along with information regarding being prepared for bushfire season.  The Paramedics demonstrated to children and adults the importance of knowing CPR and had hands on demonstrations including the use of a defibrillator.  SES were there to discuss the importance of neighbourhood connectivity if the event of disaster.  Red Cross had their popular childrens pillow case project activity.  There was a representative from WellWays for people who might be suffering with or know someone who has a mental health issue.  Alpine Radio were doing a live outside broadcast with their new van. We had a couple of new stakeholders this time. Alpine Shire with their Community Emergency trailer, Hume Legal with advise from a legal perspective, North East Water to discuss what steps to take during bushfires along with a demonstration of starting and maintaining generators.  There were free giveaways including showbags provided by AGL, a free barbecue by Rotary and coffee by John’s Coffeeee van. Tim McCurdie MP also popped in with an impromptu visit.



Date : Saturday, 7 May 2022 from 10:00am - 1:00pm

Emergency Services and other community groups braved a cold morning to hold a winter safety on Saturday, 7 May at the Mount Beauty CFA.

Demonstrations were held throughout the morning, including the ever popular – and entertaining - Kevin Cosgriff from Parks Victoria using his mobile fire table to show how quickly bushfires can travel through the valley. CFA members used the ‘Jaws of Life’ on a donated motor vehicle. This demonstration was a very intense procedure and many watching said they did not realise how arduous rescuing a person from a damaged vehicle can be. Mount Beauty Fire Brigade are one of the few rural brigades who have essential life-saving equipment including the ‘Jaws of Life’.  CFA Tawonga demonstrated how the water canon can project a wide range of sprays from the truck along with how the firefighters go into ‘self-preservation mode’ if they are overcome by bushfire. Red Cross was also in attendance, talking to young children and families about how they should prepare to leave their homes in the event of an emergency.  The children were encouraged to draw pictures on a pillowcase of items they would like to have with them to help keep them calm if they have to evacuate the valley. SES reminded people that clearing gutters in winter is important to make sure houses don’t flood when it pours with rain.

Together they worked to present a day of preparedness, verbal and written information, demonstrations and calico bags full of information and giveaways to families who attended.  In spite of the cold and threat of rain, the event was well attended. Another positive outcome mentioned by several emergency service members was the opportunity to network. SES volunteer Rob Spargo said, “We don’t often get a chance to catch up or meet new people giving their time because when there is an emergency we concentrate on getting the job done.”

Event organisers - KCC (Keep Calm Committee) operating under the umbrella of the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre - along with the emergency services who participated are keen to keep our community and valley prepared and resilient against potential future disasters.  The day was made possible with funding from FRRR, BRV and local connections. The smell of sausages and hamburgers wafted from the Rotary barbeque and lovely coffee and hot chocolate was supplied by Postman John from his mobile caravan (assisted by Vicki Burton).

KCC plans to hold another community gathering later in the year prior to the upcoming bushfire season. The date will announced soon.


Group Photo Community Resilience Picnic Saturday 7 May 2022.JPG

Pic - Courtesy of Ken Bell

Smoke Detector Presentation by Andy Arnold, CFA on Thursday, 24 March was attended by over 20 local residents.  This session highlighted the issue of out of date smoke detectors and also covered new legislation involved with installing new detectors in current housing, new houses and rental properties.  Andy also covered in detail high risks areas in homes and the best way to reduce the risk of potential hazards.

Andy Arnold also covered the topic of forming Community Fireguard groups around the region.  This plan is to form or join a group of neighbours to learn about working together to protect your homes from fire.  Community Fireguard is CFA’s most comprehensive fire safety program.  CFA specialists will facilitate six workshops held in your group’s homes to tell you how to protect your property.  You’ll get to meet your neighbours and learn about how you can work together to reduce everyone’s risk.

The night was finished by enjoying a light dinner of pizza and refreshments



Date: Saturday 27th November Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Place: Bicentennial Park, Mount Beauty

Cost: FREE

Free pizza and free drinks
•    CFA Fire Preparation presentations – Neighbourhood Centre 11.00 am and 1.00 pm (register at picnic entry)
•    Mt Beauty fire truck
•    DELWP Fire Table – see firsthand how winds affect how fires travel
•    Red Cross activities
•    Beyond Blue NewAccess by Wellways – stress and anxiety
•    SES
•    Alpine Radio live outside broadcast
•    Carers Support and Volunteering
•    Emergency Go-Away boxes to three lucky winners…… and much more
*Proof of double vaccination is required.

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Farm First Aid Training (Australian Red Cross)

A free Farm First Aid Course was conducted by the Australian Red Cross on Wednesday, 14 September 2021 to all local residents.  We had 17 people attend the course and will receive a Statement of Attainment in Provide Basic Emergency Life Support which is often required for insurance and employment opportunities.  This opportunity was to support drought and bushfire affected communities.  Red Cross also held other farm first aid training courses through the community such as Harrietville, Dinner Plain, Myrtleford, Bright and also Falls Creek.  All courses attended by residents received very positive feedback. 



Fire Preparedness/USB Workshop

Wednesday, 21 April, 2021

Cost: FREE

Receive a complimentary USB on arrival to download your important documents and photos eg, birth certificates, insurance policies.  Our aim is to help you have a current fire plan, scan and upload documents and photos.  We can also help you activate your MyGov account and find you Health records and possibly prescriptions if needed.  When you can present your fire emergency plan we will provide you with an emergency plastic storage box to put all your fire kit in and be ready for any emergency.



Visit by Inspector General Emergency Management, Tony Pearce

Wednesday, 3 March, 2021

Mt Beauty was visited by the Inspector General Emergency Management, Tony Pearce who wished to get community feedback on recovery activities conducted by Bushfire Recovery Victoria during the past 12 months. MBNCI and KCC hosted this event and provided a barbecue for community members who attended.


Community Workshops and Consultation: Red Cross and IGEM

Wednesday, 24 February and Thursday, 25 February, 2021

Red Cross Australia has offered to conduct a two-day resilience workshop at MBNCI.  Key stakeholders from Alpine Shire, Alpine Health, BRV, CRC, CFA, VicPol, DELWP and community members were invited to attend. 



Day 1 : The objective of the workshop was as follows:

  1. To equip the Mount Beauty KCC with an understanding of what they can (and can't) expect from Emergency Services, including the Shire during emergency response and the early recovery phase.

  2. To provide the KCC with key contacts in Emergency Services and Shire personnel and information about access to key resources.

  3. To develop a series of maps of Mount Beauty, Tawonga and surrounds showing risks, assets, vulnerabilities and resources.

  4. To develop a framework to build on community connectivity.

  5. To facilitate discussion among the KCC on next steps and desired outcomes.


Refer to link for Community feedback and suggestions.


Day 2 :  The purpose of this workshop is for the Mount Beauty community to hear from a panel of local Emergency Service Representatives about their roles and responsibilities and what the community can expect from them during and immediately after an emergency event (fire, flood, storm, power outage etc).  The panel will include representatives from Alpine Shire, Victoria Police, State Emergency Services, Red Cross, Bushfire Recovery Victoria, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Parks Victoria.



Fire Preparedness/USB Workshop

Wednesday, 13 January, 2021

Wednesday, 3 February, 2021

Cost: FREE

Receive a complimentary USB on arrival to download your important documents and photos eg, birth certificates, insurance policies.  Our aim is to help you have a current fire plan, scan and upload documents and photos.  We can also help you activate your MyGov account and find you Health records and possibly prescriptions if needed.  When you can present your fire emergency plan we will provide you with an emergency plastic storage box to put all your fire kit in and be ready for any emergency.



Mount Beauty Community Market Day

Saturday, 9 January, 2021

A Market Stall was held to encourage locals and visitors to prepare a Fire Plan and Emergency Kit.  

Registrations were taken to attend a Fire Preparedness workshop held at the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre on:

Wednesday, 13 January, 2021

Wednesday, 3 February, 2021



Red Cross Rediplan Workshop

Thursday, 17 December, 2020

Red Cross also held Rediplan Workshops for the Community.



Fire Preparedness/USB Workshop

Wednesday, 9 December, 2020

Wednesday, 16 December, 2020

Cost: FREE

Receive a complimentary USB on arrival to download your important documents and photos eg, birth certificates, insurance policies.  Our aim is to help you have a current fire plan, scan and upload documents and photos.  We can also help you activate your MyGov account and find you Health records and possibly prescriptions if needed.  When you can present your fire emergency plan we will provide you with an emergency plastic storage box to put all your fire kit in and be ready for any emergency.

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