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Food Safety Supervisor - Food Processing Industries




Around 4 hours

About the Course

The Food Processing Safety Supervisor Course offered by CFT (Course Codes: FBPFSY1002 and FBPFSY2002) teaches students how to effectively apply work procedures to maintain food safety and how to apply food safety procedures in a range of different workplace settings.

The course is designed for people supervising food operations in a range of businesses including:

Food Product ManufacturersFlour MillsCanneriesDried Food PackersBakersPasta ManufacturersPickle, Relish, Chutney, and Condiment Producers

The course qualification is approved for Food Safety Supervisors in all Australian States and Territories except for NSW.

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge that we are on traditional lands of the Dhudhuroa and Yaitmathang clans. We offer our respect to the Elders of these traditional lands and, through them, to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

1 Tennis Court Avenue, Mount Beauty. Victoria. 3699

Ph: 03 5754 1166

Message: 0439 073 699

Open 10am - 3pm

Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)

Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre Inc.

Acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.

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